Rhetoric as we've discussed throughout this semester, is the art of using language to communicate effectively and persuasively. So now here in lies my attempt to rhetorically analyse the source behind my last three blog posts. Highway Contractor is a heavy civil/highway construction trade journal. To analyse this publication i'll use a basic format of rhetorical analysis that more or less provided the backbone for most of our class discussions.
The rhetorical situation this publication is built off of is not one that neccistates persuation, it is more of a platform for factuakl knowledge about th industry to be shared so ultimately it is this need for a common source of information thats lead to this (and many other) publications existance. As for the author (the same person authored all of my articles), well its no mystery who he was, his name is at the top of each article and due to the very nature of a trade journal he provides little in the way of credintials but this is a freedom that we as the audience have afforded him. We assume his credentials to be sufficent else the journal wouldn't publish him. He "speaks" well and refrained from any attacking/defensive positions in my articles. The intension of this journal, or at least the article i read from it, is simply to enform and the enlighten.
In addition to the situation and the speaker we must address the audience. As i mentioned just previously, we afford this type of writting a certain amount of liberty in that we do not question their credibility to any great extent. The intended audience for this particular publication is obviously someone with an interest in horizontal construction or at least the equipment that is used in that industry. In the article "The Wage of Smart" i mentioned the primary things that this audience values; safety, accuracy and effenciency/production. These article about equipment innovations appeal directly to these values and this publication is certainly no work of fiction so you can rely on its words to a certain extent.
The author takes full advantage of the situation he and his articles are in and provides information that is directly in line with what his primary audience is concerned with. There is little acknowledgement of a secondary audience but when its the primary audience thats the ones spending a couple hundred thousand dollars on these machines he's got to cater to them first.
I think thats enough of that for know, sounds like a pretty good retorical analysis to me, though perhaps maybe i'm a little biased. Its been a unique experience so i'll leave you with a unique video.
See if you pick out some of these.
0:02 foolish nazi 0:11 please hurt me while i molest0:49 im molesting oxes now hell yeah 1:01 SHITSTER1:03 n*gga needs a whole bottle of soap 2:47 im molesting horses now.
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